Who doesn't love a person who admires what you do as much as you admire what they do!?
Well, That's our case with the beautiful Jkissa Makeup.

From what we know, she's a Pro Oreo Eater and Puppy lover, we can see her dog 'Tsuki' in many of her videos and photos. She recently became a CRUELTY FREE makeup artist, that as so many others have joined the fight against Animal Testing, she even traveled to Mexico with Lush Cosmetics as a volunteer to help a non-profit for Sea Turtles Conservation, another amazing reason to adore her. She has won the admiration of many through her smile and super reachable personality, who tries to answer each and every comment on her social medias and interacting with everyone even through her interesting QnA.
Jkissa became our customer on December last year thanks to Vegan Beauty Blogger (@veganbeautyaddict) who recommended us to her and since then has become a huge support for our small indie brand. Based in Puerto Rico it is not easy for us to be at beauty events or to be around big makeup artist and influencers like herself. It was an amazing surprise to us to see how much she enjoyed a product we made with our own hands and create with so much magic and love and how humble of a human being she really is.
Recently we even made it into her #RideOrDie tag makeup look and we where ridiculously excited. Thanks to this talented lady we have reached people even in our own country who didn't know we existed and we are really grateful for that.
She is an inspiration for those who love makeup and to us she has become a friend. It's so surreal when she refers to us as one of her fav indie make up brands! We've only been in this industry for a Year and a half and its been overwhelming the great amount of support from her behalf and other big names in this amazing world of makeup artistry!
What else could we ask for?
If you are not following her on her social medias you are totally missing out! Always a great tutorial and makeup look in the works <3
Go subscribe to her You Tube Channel - Jkissamakeup
Follow her on Instagram & Twitter - @jkissamakeup
And make sure to check her out on Snapchat - jkissa
#jkissa #jkissa #jkissa
1 comment
I love your colors lips , it’s awesome products ?